The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is Africa's four most populous country. Despite the 27.7% of married Congolese women who would like to delay or prevent childbearing, only 7.8% of them use a modern method of contraception [1].
In December 2018, DRC's President signed a revised comprehensive public health bill into law creating a new legal environment favorable to family planning and reproductive health in the country. The government pledged to revitalize services by implementing and financially supporting the DRC’s national strategic plan for family planning, reforming laws that pose barriers to planned births, and empowering women.
AFP’s in-country partner is Tulane International.
Tulane International is working with the government to support budgetary allocations to family planning. Tulane will also continue to advocate for better policies for family planning at the national and provincial levels, and engage with the private sector.
View the DRC’s Family Planning 2020 Commitment.
[1] Democratic Republic of the Congo Demographic and Health Survey 2013-14