Pulak Raha, CEO TEAM Associates has a total working experience of 26 years on project development and management in the field of Development communication, Advocacy, Behavior Change Communication and Social Mobilization. He has extensive experience working with UN agencies including UNICEF, UNFPA and UNWOMEN to develop animations, cartoon books and similar products addressing child marriage, the importance of educating girls and preventing violence against women in Bangladesh.
Mr. Raha, over the course of his career, has produced 6 TV Dramas and one advocacy documentary on Autism. He is also involved in maintaining an Interactive Popular Theatre Network with over 170 Theatre groups from 64 districts and a journalist forum network from 64 press clubs of Bangladesh.
He is currently working as a guest trainer and facilitator for the National Institute of Mass Communication (NIMC), the Press Institute of Bangladesh (PIB) and the Bangladesh Center for Communication Programs (BCCP). Mr. Raha obtained a Master's of Political Science degree from Rajshahi University of Bangladesh and also holds a diploma in media and communication and a diploma in life skills based education and communication.