In January 2016, Advance Family Planning (AFP) and the International Planned Parenthood Federation/Western Hemisphere Region (IPPF/WHR) partnered to launch Ampliando El Acceso (“Expanding Access”). The one-year, independently funded project seeks to expand contraceptive access for youth in Colombia, the Dominican Republic, and Mexico by strengthening local advocacy efforts. The goal is to meet young people’s needs for contraceptive information, services, and supplies—much needed in the region.
On February 9, 20 advocates from the three focus countries and Peru gathered in New York for a three-day workshop to begin planning their activities. They walked through the AFP SMART and IPPF/WHR advocacy approaches, developed work plans, and identified opportunities to learn from and collaborate with each other. The advocates will be implementing their work plans in order to meet their Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound objectives by December.
View the agenda and resources used during the workshop.