The 4th International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP 2015) is expected to draw more than 3,000 researchers, policymakers, advocates, and students to Nusa Dua, Indonesia. It is the largest conference in the world devoted to family planning. The host country, Indonesia, is a leader in innovative family planning programming in the region and throughout the world.
Join the Advance Family Planning initiative at ICFP. See a full schedule of AFP-affiliated conference events, presentations, panel discussions, and auxiliary events.
The DRC’s emergence and family planning leadership through 2030: Advance Family Planning is co-hosting a high-level on-site auxiliary event to give Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) Technical Advisor to the Prime Minister and Ministers of Health, Education, and Plan a platform to discuss the progress that the DRC has made in family planning since the last ICFP and their plans for the future. The event will be held primarily in French and simultaneous interpretation in English and Bahasa will be provided. See more details.
Abstract Submission (now closed)
The Conference organizers invite abstracts on cutting edge research and program results directed at enabling individuals in the world, especially in low-income areas, to achieve their contraceptive and reproductive intentions. Of particular interest are abstracts on research demonstrating how family planning benefits and advances the health and wealth of people and nations and on high impact or best practices of family planning programs and service delivery models. Abstracts using strong scientific/evaluation methods will be given priority in the review and acceptance process.
Update: ICFP2015 has been postponed for the time being due to a volcanic eruption in Indonesia. Read the official announcment from the conference organizers. The updated dates are January 25-29, 2016. See Advance Family Planning's presence at the conference.